I skimmed a mildly interesting article from Wired.com yesterday morning: Scientists Re-Create the Conditions That Sparked Complex Life. A quote:

Examples of endosymbiosis are everywhere. Mitochondria, the energy factories in your cells, were once free-living bacteria. Photosynthetic plants owe their sun-spun sugars to the chloroplast, which was also originally an independent organism.

Interesting. I think I’d heard that once about Mitochondria (The Powerhouse of the Cell, of course), but I hadn’t heard it about chloroplast.

Then, last night, wouldn’t you know it, reading The Expanse Book 9 (Leviathan Falls), this quote:

If mitochondria and chloroplasts hadn’t set up shop inside other organisms, eukaryotic life wouldn’t exist, including all of us.

— Corey, James S. A.. Leviathan Falls (The Expanse Book 9) (p. 321). (Function). Kindle Edition.

Seems about right.