A month ago (or six months? who can tell), Timmy mentioned getting a tray or rack or other kind of “mount” for his MacBook, to elevate it, and keep it off his desk. At least, that’s the story I heard. I thought it was interesting, so I Amazoned for one for myself (side note, Google became a verb, but Amazon didn’t? I think it’s high-time we fix that).
Anyway, I had one in my cart for some number of months (see above). And I finally pulled the trigger last night, with overnight delivery – so, now my MacBook Pro is flying too 🙂
Not entirely sure why I did this? Maybe it was because my Mac Mini which is coming today might temporarily live below my MacBook?
Or maybe it was to correct this serious alignment issue that I had been dealing with for like 3 years now:
Better now, eh?